02 - Basics
02 - Basics
Helpful site
www.cplusplus.com is a great source of information about C++. You can use the search engine on the website to search for the commands you want to familiarise yourself with. Use it if you do not know how to utilise a particular function. Use it often to learn more!
using namespace std
Lets once again consider a simple C++ Hello World program from previous class:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
<< "Hello World!" << endl;
cout return 0;
Now lets consider an equivalent code of:
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;
return 0;
As you can see the second code does not include line
using namespace std;
, however each command from C++
standard library are preceded by std::
. C++ standard
library command are all enclosed in something called namespace. You can
call it globally by adding using namespace std;
include section or call it each time using std::
prefix. We
recommend using the second std::
approach as it is
compliant with official C++ coding standards.
🔨 🔥 Assignment 🔥 🔨
Create a new C++ project named basics , copy and paste the
second std::
version of the Hello World. Build and run. In
all later projects use the second template as a base of all your
During programming course you will probably soon come across need to store some information. In C++ language information used in program can be stored as variables. Usually they are allocated in operational memory and can be accessed quickly comparing to for example reading from file.
There are some basic types in C++. Most common and most useful are listed below:
Integer types signed (stores positive and negative integer values):
Type name Size/precision Example value char
At least 8 bit - used mostly for storring characters ‘a’ = 97, ‘b’ = 98, ‘z’ = 122 int
At least 16 bit (usually 32 bits) -5000, -120, -15, 0, 1, 47, 5678 Integer types unsigned (stores positive integer values only)
Type name Size/precision Example value unsigned char
At least 8 bit ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘z’, 250, 129 unsigned int
At least 16 bit (usually 32 bits) 1000, 42433, 0, 1, 47 Floating-point types (stores positive and negative floating-point values):
Type name Size/precision Example value float
Usually 32 bit -5.7534, 0.1, 1.2e10 double
Usually 64 bit -5.7534, 0.1, 1.2e10 Boolean types (represents a binary value):
Type name Size/precision Example value bool
- true, false
Declaring variables
Prior to using variable you have to declare it. To do that you have to type the type of the variable followed by it’s name (name has to be unique) as in example below.
int a; // Signed integer with name "a"
float b; // Floating-point with name "b"
double floating_point_var; // Floating-point with name "floating_point_var"
char id1, id2, id3; // Three chars with names "id1", "id2", "id3"
Assigning values to variables
To assign value to a variable in some other place in a code, you have to use = operator. Value of a variable can be obtained by typing its’ name. Example below illustrates these operations.
int a;
int b;
= 10; // Value of a = 10
a = 5 * a; // Value of a = 50
a = a + 2; // Value of b = 52 b
You can assign value to a variable during initialization.
float var1 = 12.5; // Initial value 12.5
float fl2 = -4e3; // Initial value -4e3 = -4000
int other_var = 4; // Initial value 4
Printing variables
Ealier we have used std::cout
to print a given text to a
standard output. std::cout
can also be used to print
variable value, eg.:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int x = 10;
int y = 3;
std::cout << x << std::endl;
std::cout << y << std::endl;
return 0;
🔨 🔥 Assignment 🔥 🔨
- Declare an integer variable and assign some value to it. Print the
value of that variable to the standard output using
. - Declare a new integer variable and assign a value of a previous variable multiplied by 4 to it. Print the value of that variable.
- Assign the value of 25 to the previous variable. Declare a new floating-point variable. Assign the value of the previous variable divided by 4 to it. What can you observe?
Converting types
If we divide an integer value the result will be always an integer. Executing code:
int a = 5;
float b = a / 2;
will cause the assigned value to be left as integer value, because expression on the right side of the = operator is treated as an integer expression (there are only integer values in it). To inform the compiler to treat integer value as a floating-point value we have to cast it.
To convert variable from one type to another you have to precede its
name with static_cast<TYPE>()
statement. Example
below illustrates conversion from int
int a = 5;
float b = static_cast<float>(a) / 2; // Value of b = 2.5
🔨 🔥 Assignment 🔥 🔨
Fix your program, so dividing 25 / 4 gives a true, not integer, result.
Integer variables have their range that depends on number of bits used to represent this variable. Writing value out of that range will result in truncation of this value. Example below illustrates this.
unsigned char a;
= 255; // a = 255
a = 256; // a = 0
a = 310; // a = 54 a
Naming your variables
Variable names should always be meaningful. The names a and b from the examples above are not very good at informing the person reading the code what they are supposed to store. Names like that will only work fine for very simple programs (like the one above). See an example below, is it not clearer?
int compund_1, compound_2, sum;
= 5;
compund_1 = 10;
compund_2 = compound_1 + compound_2; sum
More information on C++ variables
Displaying variables and text
Communication with external world is an important part of each
program. Program needs to fetch input data, process it and return output
data. You can achieve this using standard input and standard output,
which often is a command line in which program was run. C++ way to write
data to standard output is std::cout
object. Example usage
is visible below:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int x = 10;
std::cout << "variable x = " << x << std::endl;
return 0;
Firstly a text surrounded with ” “ is written to the output,
than a value of x is joined, terminated with
which displays a new line character. As you can
see you can pass more than one argument to the stream and build a
complicated display expressions and display more than one value at a
🔨 🔥 Assignment 🔥 🔨
Try the above code. Modify it to display more then one variable -
create an int
, float
and bool
type variables and display them all with additional text.
Formatting floating-point values
When displaying float values it is very important to format the floating-point value in order for it to be easily ridable for the user, see example below:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> // header needed for std::setprecision()
int main() {
float nbr = 100.01;
std::cout << "Default: " << nbr << std::endl;
std::cout << "Fixed: " << std::fixed << nbr << std::endl;
std::cout << "Hexfloat: " << std::hexfloat << nbr << std::endl;
std::cout << "Scientific: " << std::scientific << nbr << std::endl;
std::cout << "Back to default: " << std::defaultfloat << nbr << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << "Default with precision: " << std::setprecision(3) << nbr << std::endl;
std::cout << "Fixed with precision: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << nbr << std::endl << std::endl;
return 0;
🔨 🔥 Assignment 🔥 🔨
Try the above code. Change the precision of the displayed floating-point variable. Try changing the float value and see how the output changes.
Displaying values in different number systems
Sometimes it is necessary to display given variable in hex or octal format:
#include <iostream>
int main()
int x = 45;
std::cout << "x in octal: " << std::oct << x << std::endl
<< "x in hex: " << std::hex << x << std::endl
<< "x decimal: " << std::dec << x << std::endl;
return 0;
Reading data from user
For reading data from a standard input std::cin
can be used:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int year;
std::cout << "Enter current year: ";
std::cin >> year;
std::cout << "It is: " << year;
std::cout << " , 23 years ago it was: " << year - 23 << std::endl;
return 0;
Usage is similar to std::cout
function. Notice that
instead of writing to console (standard output) using
operator, we now read from console (standard
input) using >>
can be chained in order to read mote than one
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int a;
float b;
std::cin >> a >> b;
return 0;
If you’ll feed 456 and 56.753 (separated by whitespace) to a standard
input (console), variable a will be assigned value 456 and
variable b value 56.753. You can notice that
ends reading each value when it encounters a
whitespace (eg. space or enter).
🔨 🔥 Assignment 🔥 🔨
- Write a program that will ask user to enter his age, height in meters and shoe size. Read provided information and print it back to the standard output. Use variables of proper types.
- Modify previous program so that the height is printed with decimal precision of 3.
Further reading on input streams and output streams:
- http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/istream/istream/?kw=istream
- http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ostream/ostream/?kw=ostream
Text input
In C and C++ programs text can be stored in char arrays. C++
introduces additional, friendly type: std::string
We will work with C-style char arrays for now. Length of an array should be set to a maximal expected length of a text plus 1 (for a special, null value indicating the end of the string). Length of an array is denoted by a number in a [] brackets placed after its name. Example:
std::cout << "Please enter your name: ";
char name[20];
std::cin >> name;
std::cout << "Your name is: " << name << std::endl;
Random number generator
To generate random numbers special rand function can be used. It uses
pseudo-random generator that generates numbers based on a seed value.
For the same seed each sequence of generated number will be the same.
Due to this fact generators are sometimes initialized with a current
timestamp, which causes the rand to produce different number sequences
with every run. In order to use this functions you have to include two
additional headers <cstdlib>
#include <cstdlib> // Header with rand() and srand() functions
#include <ctime> // Header with time() function
int main()
(time(nullptr)); // Initialize pseudo-random generator with current time
srandint a = rand() % 100 + 50; // Generate random number in range 50..149
return 0;
The rand()
function returns an integer number in range 0
to RAND_MAX (which is defined in the library, you can print it to check
its’ value). To obtain value in a specified range you can use % (modulo)
operator combined with a + operator.
More information on rand()
One of the useful libraries included in C++ is a math library that comes with a functions for computing for example sine and cosine values. To make all those functions available in your program you have to include it:
#include <cmath>
Now you can use functions that are listed here: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cmath/?kw=cmath
Example of computing sine value of 30 degrees angle:
const double pi = 3.14159265359; // Constant value of Pi number
double degrees = 30; // Variable with angle value in degrees
double sine_value = sin(degrees * pi / 180); // Function accepts values in
// radians, so we need to
// do the conversion from degrees
Values that are constant during a program execution can be declared
using const
qualifiers. Such values can be used in
expressions as regular variables, but they are usually optimized by the
compiler so that no additional read from memory is needed.
🔨 🔥 Assignment 🔥 🔨
- Create a program that will generate a random integer angle value in a range -90…90 degrees, compute its cosine and print it to the standard output.
- Now additionally compute 5-th root of computed cosine value and
print it. Tip:
Final assignments 🔥 🔨
Exercise 1
- Load the lengths of rectangle sides and calculate its circumference and area.
- Load the lengths of three sides of triangle and calculate its circumference and area.
- Load the lengths of three sided or triangle and calculates all the triangle angles (results should be printed in degrees).
Hint 1: Use Heron’s formula (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heron%27s_formula) to calculate triangle area based on the lengths of the sides.
Hint 2: Use law of cosines (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_cosines) to calculate the angles of triangle.
Hint 3: Inverse trigonometric functions
arcsine, arccosine, and arctangent are part
of cmath
library (they are provided under following names:
, acos()
, and atan2()
. Pay
attention to the returned values as they are provided in radians.
Exercise 2
Load two numbers given by the user and perform add, multiply, subtract and divide operations on them. Print numbers on the screen. Write two versions:
- using integer types,
- using floating-point types.
Exercise 3
Load one number given by the user and perform pre- (++i
and post- (i++
) incrementation operations on it. Do the
same with pre- (--i
) and post- (i--
Hint:: To observe difference between pre- and post-
operators put them directly in a print command
(e.g. std::cout << ++a << std::endl;
Exercise 4
Write program that will output the following text (all the information are provided by the user - preserve formatting):
First name: Jan
Second name: Kowalski
Father’s first name: Antoni
Father’s age: 55
Mother’s first name: Jadwiga
Mother’s age: 50
Mother’s family name: Kazmierczak
Birth place: Poznan
Birth year: 1970
Birth month: 6
Birth day: 12Citizen Jan Kowalski was born in Poznan 30 years ago. His mother, mrs Jadwiga (of a Kazmierczak), was 20 years old then and his father 25 years old.
Kowalski Jan till 12.10.2015 lived approximately 11155 days.
His father is 1.83 times older than him and mother 1.67 times.
It is an old family, because together they have 135 years.
- Minimal version: Assume that today is 12.10.2015, year has 365 days and month 31 days. Please print non integer values with two digits after the decimal point.
- Harder version, for volunteers: Use actual date using
function andtm
structure (use documentation to obtain more information). Calculate an exact number of days lived knowing that leap year is divisible by 4 and if divisible by 100 has to be also divisible by 400 (e.g., 1900 is not a leap year).
Hint: To store string such as name you have to use char array. Declare it using the following syntax:
char name[20];
Number in []
brackets specify maximal length of a string
plus 1 (for a special value indicating the end of the string).
Authors: Michał Fularz, Jan Wietrzykowski, Dominik Pieczyński, Tomasz Mańkowski